Learn about release planning and meet some of the key players in Newcastle’s music scene at our free Sound Advice event!
Sound Advice goes to Newcastle! Planning Your Next Release & Industry Speed Meet

Learn about release planning and meet some of the key players in Newcastle’s music scene at our free Sound Advice event!
MusicNSW, along with more than 60 music industry representatives and health and safety specialists, have come together to ask the Premier of NSW for an open dialogue about better solutions for safety at music festivals.
MusicNSW is pleased to announce the recipients of the Opportunity Development Grant program for activities including this year’s BIGSOUND conference and festival.
Make your voice heard! Create NSW has developed a survey to collect vital information from NSW musicians and their representatives to assist in the development of a Contemporary Music Strategy for the State.
Calling all electronic artists, promoters, collectives and labels! Electronic Music Conference have opened applications for artists wanting to showcase at EMCPLAY and for promoters, collectives, agencies and labels wishing to host an EMCPLAY event.
We’re offering MusicNSW members discounted tickets to Electronic Music Conference on November 14-15 at the Dr Chau Chak Wing Building at UTS in Ultimo!
MusicNSW is pleased to announce that the Indent Event Development Grants are now open for application!
MusicNSW’s Sound Advice Masterclasses return on August 11 & 18, 2018! Taking place at 107, Redfern, learn about DIY gig booking & marketing, release planning and more from the best in the biz.
New funding opportunity! We’re excited to announce that MusicNSW’s Opportunity Development Grants are now open for application.
Come along to ask questions, listen to the best industry advice, network with other emerging artists and meet some Sydney heroes including Alex the Astronaut, Kwame, RUBY FIELDS, Annie Bass, Dave Ruby Howe (triple j Unearthed), publicist Melody Forghani (twnty three) and many more!