News - MusicNSW - Page 5

MusicNSW announces the departure of Managing Director Emily Collins

Emily Collins of Music NSW is looking straight at the camera. She is standing against an orange wall.

MusicNSW announces the departure of Managing Director Emily Collins after a highly successful 8 years of leadership. Emily will leave MusicNSW in mid-June to take up the position of Acting Head of Sound NSW, where she will be responsible for establishing and driving the strategic direction of this important new music agency that will play

Our Regional MusicNSW Team

Photographer: Georgia Jane Griffiths Ali Buckley, Kayne Mills, Sam Rees and Sophie Jones are our team based across NSW and lead regional music development across the state. Their remit is to deliver development opportunities and work to expand touring circuits across regional NSW. The newly-created roles have been made possible thanks to Create NSW following

Sound Advice Video: Are you being ripped off?

Emma Brophy Client Manager, Generate

Watch this superannuation info session, to find out if you’re owed super, or if you should be paying it. Superannuation laws changed in July 2022. It’s quite complex and many people might be inadvertently doing the wrong thing or not getting what they’re owed. So, we spoke with Emma Brophy from Accounting and tax experts

Come work with MusicNSW – Community and Digital Strategist

crowd of happy-seeming seated people, some with their hands up.

MusicNSW is hiring for the role of Community and Digital Strategist. We are on the hunt for a highly skilled community and digital strategist to develop and deliver MusicNSW’s communication, community and digital strategies. The successful candidate will have energy and passion for emerging digital technologies, big-picture industry development and an eye for opportunities to

Vote Music Joint Statement

The NSW Music Industry congratulates Chris Minns and NSW Labor on winning Saturday’s NSW state election and welcomes their commitment to the largest-ever investment in contemporary music  Vote Music, a campaign backed by over 30 music industry organisations and leaders, last month launched a comprehensive plan for music development and asked for a $100m commitment

MusicNSW welcomes Labor $103M commitment to music

MusicNSW welcomes today’s announcement from NSW Labor committing $103M to contemporary music this coming election. Emily Collins, MusicNSW Managing Director said “We are thrilled to see Labor pledging their significant support for our state’s contemporary music industry – and encourage all parties and independents to make commitments to our industry and back our plan. NSW