News - MusicNSW - Page 163

Additional Whichway Workshops and Recordings

Whichway is running intensive music industry workshops May 17, 18 & 19th at the Redfern Community Centre. Up to 15 artists who are ready for music industry development will be chosen to participate. The aim of this program is to create links between Indigenous artists, industry professionals and music support organisations to develop professional skills

News On The Issues Paper – Protecting Live Music Venues

In April 2006 the Premiers Department appointed Arts NSW as lead agency responsible for convening the steering committee addressing issues raised in the Issues paper (POPE and Liquor, Planning and Noise Regulations, Support for Live Venues and Education as the main issues that require addressing).

Pete Wells

Pete Wells of Rose Tattoo sadly passed last week after a long battle with cancer. MusicNSW would like to offer our condolences to Pete’s family and friends.

Whichway Regional Workshop Update

Our Claire Portek is currently on the road conducting music workshops across regional NSW . The workshops cover diverse subjects from songwriting, hip hop, how to start a radio station to basic music industry introduction sessions. facilitators that have joined Claire on her adventures have included Hip Hop producer Les Beckett, singer song writers Tonchi

Australian Law Reform Commission calling for submissions

This is to let you know that the Ozsedition website is up and running again as the Australian Law Reform Commission is calling for submissions to its inquiry into the sedition provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Bill passed late last year. Please visit the website for more details on the inquiry and on how to make

Protecting Live Venues Reminder

Just a reminder that the cause is still on the agenda. Parliamentarians are voting mid year and it’s important they hear our voices before they vote. The list of Parliament Members and their email addresses can be found at

Vibewire e-Festival

From April 4-8, Australias non-profit youth portal is holding an e-Festival – five days of online panels, short films, images, podcasts, guest columnists, published papers, opportunities and resources. e-Festival of Ideas is a conference taken online and democratised. It is the only forum of its kind – using the latest in online technologies to

Nescafé Big Break Competition

Each year Nescafé Big Break gives away cash grants to people aged between 16 and 24, who have a dream or idea and need some financial support to make it a reality. It is not an achievement award and anyone can win the grants. There are no categories and winners can be from any field