News - MusicNSW - Page 158

2006 International Songwriting Competition Deadline Quickly Approaching

For Immediate Release – September 27, 2006 2006 International Songwriting Competition Deadline Quickly Approaching – Have Your Songs Heard By Tom Waits, Brian Wilson, Robert Smith (The Cure), Craig Morgan, Cassandra Wilson, and Many More! The deadline for ISC is quickly approaching, so enter your songs now! Entries must be postmarked on or before October

Austrade Export Market Development Grants

The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme is the Australian Government’s principal financial assistance program for aspiring and current exporters. The scheme is administered by Austrade and is aimed at encouraging small and medium sized Australian businesses to develop export markets by reimbursing up to 50 per cent of eligible export promotion expenses above a

VROOM now on Myspace

VROOM – The Resource of Original Music now has a Myspace. Help promote this fantastic resource to bands all over Australia and become our friend, maybe even make us one of you top 8-24 friends!!!! Not sure what VROOM is? VROOM is an extensive searchable database that contains venue information including production, facilities, booking

The Sydney Youth Music Network Calling

The Sydney Youth Music Network is a place where Bands, Artists, Promoters, Agents, Managers and any other Industry types can connect with other associates in the western suburbs of Sydney. SYMN is currently taking applications from Industry workers between the age of 16 and 35 for this special all day conference to be held at

Youth INclusive

4-6 October 2006 (school holidays) Katoomba Primary School, Katoomba Youth INclusive, YAPA’s 2006 youth conference is all about young people’s participation in government at all levels: local, state and federal. It’s an opportunity to learn how government actually works and how governments involve (or should involve) young people. It’s also about how to make people

PPCA Registration Reminder

PPCA – The Phonographic Performance Company of Australia – collects royalties which arise out of the playing of recordings on radio. This is separate to what APRA do, which is collecting songwriter’s royalties for songs which are played on the radio (and in other public places). PPCA would like to remind all artists that if

Play Now Act Now 2006!!!

The Play Now Act Now Creative Competition is on again. Play Now Act Now is a film/video, graphic design and writing competition for young people aged 16 to 25 in NSW. Play Now Act Now is a health education initiative that invites young people to produce creative resources that examine issues around the usage of

2007 Indent Partnership Grants Now Open For Submission

Want help to put on your all-age gigs? Are you a young person aged 12-25? Do you want to organise all-age entertainment in your community? Are there five other young people in your area who want to help make it happen? Look no further! Indent — The hub for all-ages entertainment in New South Wales

Sounds Like Café going LIVE

The SoundsLikeCafe series has been receiving a large amount of positive feedback for the consistency of providing quality music to over 1200 cafés Australia-wide. Artists such as Bob Evans, Holly Throsby, Brendan Gallagher, Lior, Renee Geyer, Sarah Blasko, Shane Nicholson and Evermore have all utilized the service. See for full tracklistings. Now phase two

Whichway Artists Nominated

Three Whichway artists have been nominated for Most Promising Talent at the annual Deadly (Indigenous music) Awards. The artists include Radical Son, Sharnee Fenwick and Paul Penrith (aka Konnect A Dot).Cindy Drummond will also be perfroming at the awards ceremony to be held at the Sydney Opera House on Thursday 21st of September. For more