News - MusicNSW - Page 151

Grants for Young Folks

BUZZ Grants Buzz is a new grant round delivered by The Foundation in 2007 which offers flexible support for young musicians, sound artists and music-related arts workers through grants of up to $2500. Buzz is a program devolved to The Foundation by the Music Board of the Australia Council. Buzz grants are a strategy of

ANAT Professional Development Travel Grants

A quick response fund managed by the Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) offering grants of up to $3,000 for Australian artists to attend national and international events. The aim is to enable professional development for Australian media arts practitioners by facilitating their participation in national and international residencies, exhibitions, workshops and conferences related

FBi Claims 219,000 Listeners in first official ratings survey

Sydneys independent youth metro station FBi 94.5FM this week announced the results of its first ever Audience Ratings Survey following its launch in August 2003, reporting 219,000 people tuning into the station across a week. FBis General Manager, Stuart Buchanan said today: “This is a phenomenal result for FBi and vindicates what weve being saying

The Australian Music Office Website is launched!

The Australian Music Office Website has now officially launched. If you are thinking overseas, they offer exporting aid & resources to the music industry. There is a ton of great information on their website, so be sure to take a regular look in.

Indent’s SAVE THE SCENE Workshop Tour

Commencing August 2007, Indent, the peak all-ages network in NSW will stage a series of forums across the state focused on event management and music business skills. The forums will be open to active and past Indent event groups, young event organisers and emerging bands and artists across NSW. The forums will offer young people

Michael’s Whichway Update

The Whichway Industry workshops held at the Redfern Community Centre have just been completed. The workshops were attended by 20 artists from Sydney and Regional NSW areas. The workshops went for 3 1/2 days and covered areas such as music management, grant information venue and record label information. The Song writing workshops were a great

Triple J Odyssey

Yearning for adventure but don’t have a cent? Where would you go if you were armed with a shiny new camera, flash new laptop and a whole swag of travellers cheques? Hunt for your long-lost cousin in the hills of Bhutan? Travel to Alaska and debunk the myths about Eskimos? Explore Machu Picchu, the Lost

stimTV is looking for Aussie content

stimTV is one of the most exciting new development in internet television. They were just recognised earlier this year in the US with an Emmy for best use of video on demand technology. Basically stimTV(tm) is an online television network that uses a patented video engine to present dozens of videos at a time, in

Get paid for your live performances!

You have until 31 August to submit your on-line LPRs (Live Performance Returns) for the period 1 July 2006 – 30 June 2007. All your domestic live performances and new works can be lodged electronically via an APRA membership account. VIA APRA Bytes

Longtime Listener Demo Evaluation Service

Longtime Listener, the company set up by former Inertia Distribution A&R head Nick Pontikos (he signed Ben Lee and The Cops) is offering a demo evaluation and consultation service called “Demolish” It will offer Do’s and Don’ts to constructive criticism on songs and arrangements, before the demos are sent to the industry. More info, email: