News - MusicNSW - Page 141

Export Grants

As of 1st July 2008, Austrade’s EMDG grants for the 2007 – 2008 period have opened and are now available for download. The Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme is a key Australian Government financial assistance program for aspiring and current exporters. Administered by Austrade, the scheme supports a wide range of industry sectors and

New Australia Council Export Grants Announced

Track Record The TRACK RECORD program provides support for career music managers interested in developing international markets for Australian musicians. The program aims to build the business capacity of Australia’s music managers to reach more markets, ensure momentum and build sustainable careers for Australian musicians in the international marketplace. This program is part of Australia

Entries for 2008 New Artist to Radio are now open

The search for new and emerging Australian music talent by the radio industry is on again with entries now open for the New Artist to Radio (NA2R) event, to be held at the Gold Coast on October 10. The commercial radio industry initiative aims to discover the next big music star to be played on

VOTE for the Greatest Australian Independent Album of all Time

You’ll be in the running to win a copy of each of the top 10 albums. Go to – to Vote Over the past 3 months AIR has approached musicians, journalists, radio presenters and music industry folk in an effort to create a shortlist of Australias greatest independent albums of all time. In all,

Underbelly Needs Help

Underbelly Public Arts Lab + Festival is back for its second year! Part band camp, part fringe festival, Underbelly brings scores of edgy, emerging and experimental artists together to collaborate, rehearse, build, workshop and create a diverse program of work. This event is financed by Rinse Out Inc and is run on a shoestring! Every

Raise the Bar Update

Small Bars, big fees … cut the red tape! 30th May, 2008 New liquor laws for NSW start from July 1 but the job is not done yet .. In just a few days the NSW Parliament votes on planning laws that remove expensive regulations that bury venues in red tape if they want live

The essential guide to touring the USA – Austrade Masterclass

The essential guide to touring the USA Learn from key US players in this introductory masterclass Participate in an interactive discussion and Q&A with some of the key people in music touring in the United States. This is an introductory course designed to cover the fundamentals of touring in the USA. Why you should attend


artSMART: building sustainable creative industries INFORMATION artSMART: building sustainable creative industries will provide the creative industries sector and artists with the necessary skills to increase the sustainability of running their small business. artSMART will deliver a free integrated package of skills through a series of 18 workshops run over 15 days. The practical workshops will

Musical Chairs

Sydneys newest networking night for anyone and everyone involved in the music business has arrived at Will & Tobys Supper Club on Oxford Street – kicking off on Wednesday 28th May. Grab your calendar, turn to the last Wednesday of every month, and scribble ‘Musical Chairs: shindig for the music biz – youd be seriously

The British Council’s Realise Your Dream competition

The Realise Your Dream Competition is a professional development award open to all Australians aged under-30 who are involved in creative industries. Winning candidates will be flown to the UK to work with a mentor, and even get $8,000 to help live the dream. To go into the running,applicants need to demonstrate their creative potential,