Applications for the 2009 APRA Professional Development Awards open on Sept 1, 2008. In 2009, APRA will award eight Australian Professional Development Awards(PDAs) and three NZ PDAs. Australian winners will receive $12,000 cash to advance their careers through study or travel, PLUS: a Gibson guitar courtesy of long-time APRA Awards partner Gibson Guitars, studio time
International Songwriting Competition extends deadline
The international songwriting competition is extending its submission deadline until Dec 1, 2008. ISC will continue to accept online, mail and Myspace entries until this date. All entries must be postmarked or uploaded online on or before Dec 1, 2008. So if you wish to enter ISC and have not already done so, you still
Featured Artists’ Coalition
The Featured Artists’ Coalition campaigns for the protection of performers’ and musicians’ rights. We want all artists to have more control of their music and a much fairer share of the profits it generates in the digital age. We speak with one voice to help artists strike a new bargain with record companies, digital distributors
The Australian Music Prize 2008 now accepting entrants
The Australian Music Prize (The AMP) returns in 2008 to encourage, reward and promote Australian Music of excellence. Now in its fourth year, the AMP is calling for all Australian Artists across every musical Genre to submit original album length works (released in 2008 to go into the running to win the cash prize which
Sydney Fresh Industry Showcase 2009
Jellyfish Music presents “SYD. FRESH SHOWCASE 2009” CALLING ALL BANDS AND ARTISTS! The Sydney Fresh Industry Showcases kick off this summer. Each night will showcase unsigned Sydney bands, singer songwriters, MC’s, composers and other forms of musical expression that demand showcasing! Huge prizes to be won, including a world class EP recording and CD pressing,
APRA/AMCOS Board Nominations
In accordance with the APRA and AMCOS Constitutions, nominations for the position of Board Director can be received up to 60 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meetings (AGMs). The date for the APRA and AMCOS AGMs is 28 November 2008. Accordingly, nominations for the APRA Board Director positions and AMCOS Board
Art at the heart is the sixth biennial Regional Arts Australia national conference and will be held from 3-5 October 2008 in Alice Springs. Registrations close Monday 15 September and can be made online at – delegates who have already registered are encouraged to choose their session preferences as places are filling up fast.
Austrade are holding Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) coaching sessions in August and September. These small-group, personalised sessions will help you get EMDG ready and maximise your grant entitlement! Sessions will be run by senior grants staff and will cover a range of topics including introduction to EMDG, how to plan for EMDG, how to
Registrations and Band Submissions for the SxSW 2009 Festival are now open – closing Friday 24 October. SxSW is on of the biggest and most influential music events in America and the world! Get in early to be heard by fresh ears in Austin! Apply for SxSW through Sonicbids or directly at – please
Applications are now open for the second round of Sound Travellers for tours running 1 January – 31 December 2009. Sound Travellers provides grants to Australian artists for National touring in the following genres of new music for travel and marketing costs. The program also aims to develop viable touring opportunities for musicians/sound artists performing