News - MusicNSW - Page 138

Young Entrepreneurs Success program

The Department of State and Regional Development is partnering with Creative Economy in a business mentoring problem for the creative industries sector. The Young Entrepreneurs Success (YES) program is designed for emerging entrepreneurs, small business owners and managers wanting to maximize business potential and improve their entrepreneurial skills. The program provides a practical business guide

Railway Blues 08 raising funds for suicide prevention

On Saturday November 22nd, on the grounds of the Richmond Valley Railways Museum near Newcastle, 20 bands and artists will prevent a NSW first – a railway blues festival to raise funds for suicide prevention. There will be three stages playing non stop music and musicians on the old trains (yes they will be running!)

City Of Sydney campaign targets bill posters

The City Of Sydney is about to begin a campaign targeting bill-posters. Enforcement action will commence Monday 10th November. This involves a $320 fine for first time offenders, and a $750 fine for individuals or a $1500 fine for organizations for subsequent offences. This comes as a result of complaints of visual pollution, concerns over

Studio 301 presents The Jim Kelly Guitar Workshop Series

Mike Stern is one of the most important and easily recognisable and jazz-fusion guitarists strutting the world stage. He will team up with famous Australian jazz-fusion guitarist Jim Kelly for a workshop to openly discuss their passions for music and demonstrate their guitar playing and the art of improvising. Venue: Studio 301, 18 Mitchell Rd,

APRA Professional Develepment Awards

Applications for the 2009 APRA Professional Development Awards open on Sept 1, 2008. In 2009, APRA will award eight Australian Professional Development Awards(PDAs) and three NZ PDAs. Australian winners will receive $12,000 cash to advance their careers through study or travel, PLUS: a Gibson guitar courtesy of long-time APRA Awards partner Gibson Guitars, studio time

International Songwriting Competition extends deadline

The international songwriting competition is extending its submission deadline until Dec 1, 2008. ISC will continue to accept online, mail and Myspace entries until this date. All entries must be postmarked or uploaded online on or before Dec 1, 2008. So if you wish to enter ISC and have not already done so, you still

October ICE Seminar

ICE is holding a free forum for Western Sydneys emerging filmmakers in Parramatta on October 18. The event, a partnership between ICE, Movie Extra TropFest and the NSW Film and Television Office will enable Western Sydney filmmakers to hear firsthand about the entry process and selection criteria for Movie Extra Tropfest 2009 and the new

More tuning to community radio

The audience for community radio has jumped in the past two years even as the overall audience for commercial radio has marginally declined, according to a survey. The McNair Telephone Ingenuity survey of 5000 people, commissioned by The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia found that the proportion of people aged over 15 years who listened