News - MusicNSW - Page 125

SMAC Award Winners announced

Sydney’s Music Art and Culture awards (SMAC) awarded their second annual winners at Cockle Bay Warf on December 8, 2009. The winners all walked home proud to be named amongst those that keep Sydney’s cultural heart beating. Local electronica hereo’s Seekae (pictured) took out the best live music act gong who at the start of

Danimals to join The Lab

Following the successful launch of Tooheys Extra Dry: The Lab, world famous musician and producer Mark Ronson has personally chosen Sydney act Danimals to fly to New York to collaborate with Ronson in his studio

Popkomm to return in 2010

The organisers of Berlin’s music conference Popkomm have announced that they will return in 2010, after the GFC (may we never speak of it again) meant the conference were to shut it’s doors.

New Corporate Director for MusicNSW

MusicNSW is delighted to announce that Greg Carey has been appointed as our new Director Corporate, commencing in January 2010. Greg’s experience as a music business entrepreneur, his work on all levels of the industry, and his excellent knowledge of Music NSW’s mission and operations made him the ideal candidate in a strong field of

DEWHA Grants open

The Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) have announced the dates for their 2010 grants. DEWHA have a strong focus on touring regional and remote Australia, so this might help you get out of the city in the new year.

PPCA Performance Fund

The Phonographic Performance Company of Australia offers one-off funding for the promotion of music and the performing arts through the PPCA Performers’ Trust Fund.

ARIA Winners announced

Last week the 2009 ARIA awards named their best of 2009, feature artist this month – Bertie Blackman took home a statuette for Best Independent Release.