Join the Young People Committee!

Applications for 2020 are now open

It’s a new dawn, and here are some suggestions for how you can ring it in.
Bushfire Benefits & Fundraisers

A regularly updated gig list of bushfire benefits + fundraisers
VIDEO: RMO Wrap 2019

What have our Regional Music Officers been up to you ask?
Wanna be a NEW NOW support act in 2020?

Apply now to get added to the bill for our all-ages gig series!
GENERATIONS – Early Career Fellowship Grant

What is the Generations fellowship? Generations is a fellowship program in partnership with Create NSW, Powerhouse Museum and Astral People to support artist development across the music industry in NSW. Three early career solo artists or groups will be selected for a six-month fellowship each during the period 1 February 2020 – 31 December 2021.
Advocacy Update

Big news for Sydney’s night time economy, and festivals in NSW.
Regional Meet’n’Greets

Come and meet other passionate music people in your area and tell us how we can support you!
Live Music Industry’s Open Letter to the Premier

Dear Premier, Please meet with us. As you are aware, the live music industry has repeatedly expressed our strong desire to work collaboratively with your government on our shared commitment to safer music festivals. Since February this year we have requested that you convene an industry roundtable to discuss regulation and safety at music festivals.