News - MusicNSW - Page 109

APRA PDA Finalists Announced

RECORD NUMBER OF ENTRIES FOR APRA’S 2011 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AWARDS Finalist List Published With Winners To Be Announced on Monday March 14th! Wally De Backer (Gotye), Vassy, Mia Dyson, Michael Yezerski, Abbe May, Amira Pyliotis, Laura Jean Englert, Dianna Corcoran and others have had their early music careers boosted by receiving a PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AWARD.

Yabun Festival

Koori Radio 93.7FM proudly invites Sydney and Australia to celebrate the survival of Aboriginal cultures at the Yabun Festival in Victoria Park on 26 January 2011. Now in its ninth year, Yabun is Australia’s premier one-day festival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture presenting the best in music, dance, sport and so much more.


The 2011 JAYCO TAMWORTH COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL will commence this Friday for ten’s days of celebrations and over 2,500 scheduled events contrary to bogus reports suggesting otherwise.

CONTROL: Presentation Podcasts Online

CONTROL: The Business of Music Management is a dynamic new five stage program designed to equip music managers with crucial business skills. The program provides music managers with practical guidance on developing and maintaining sustainable businesses. CONTROL features respected local and international music managers and business specialists. Mentors in the program will include leading UK

Indent Partnership Grants Announced

NSW Minister for the Arts, The Hon. Virginia Judge today announced $250,000 in funding to assist young people across the State to stage their own all-ages, drug and alcohol free music events. Indentwill distribute the money in the form of event grants, demonstrating a further commitment to the continuation of the Indent Tour and ongoing

SMAC Awards Open For Votes

This year, the little award ceremony that could has grown larger and will be held at the National Art School in Darlinghurst on Thursday JANUARY 20. The awards will be hosted by The Chaser’s Chris Taylor, and will include performances by Guineafowl, Jinja Safari, Richard In Your Mind, Heaps Decent, and a specially curated Sydney ‘supergroup’, containing members from Cloud