Following an incredibly successful 12-week trial period, FBi Radio is excited to announce that FBi Social will become a permanent fixture on level 2 of the Kings Cross Hotel.
BIGSOUND Announces First Round of Showcasing Artists and New Speakers
Australia’s biggest celebration of breaking artists and industry networking has reached a new milestone with the first announcement today of its BIGSOUND LIVE program, boasting some of the country’s hottest acts.
Winners of the 2011 APRA Music Awards Announced
APRA is proud to reveal the winners of the 2011 APRA Music Awards, announced this evening at a red carpet gala event at Carriageworks in Sydney.
Telstra Road to Discovery opens today!
Independent musos looking for their break in the Australian music industry have a chance at the opportunity of a lifetime as the Telstra Road to Discovery talent development program opens nationally today.
SXSW Doco Screening coming to Sydney
“Outside Industry” tracks the bands, growth, personalities and history of the world’s largest creative event and begins the week of July 18 in these locations.
Metro Screen Speed Networking
Little black book of Sydney screen professionals needs updating? Come down to the Apple Store, Bondi Junction and let Metro Screen introduce you to your next wave of collaborators and contacts.
Second release tix to Creative Sydney
Following a booked out series of talks at the Sydney Opera House, VIVID Creative Sydney present a weekend at the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Minister Crean invites Public submissions to arts review
Arts Minister Simon Crean and the Chair of the Review of Private Sector Support for the Arts, Mr Harold Mitchell AC, today released a discussion paper and invited interested parties to make a submission. Mr Crean said the Review of Private Sector Support for the Arts will identify any barriers or impediments to private sector
MusicNSW is currently seeking a part-time (four days p/week) Executive Officer to fill a maternity leave position for 11 months.
Applications now open for Regional Art Fund (RAF) 2012
Applications are now being accepted for the Regional Arts Fund (NSW), one of the key funding sources for arts and cultural activities in regional, rural and remote communities of NSW.