Welcome to our legally related FAQs. These are Frequently Asked Questions. Got one that’s not on here? Email us.
Here is where you’ll find things on legal issues surrounding music and the music industry. But, really, we’re not lawyers. Arts Law are. Call them to find out more and get actual legal advice.
Please note: the information on this and any page this website is intended as and does not constitute legal advice. As we said, we’re not lawyers. Talk to one if you’re unsure.
For more on legals, check out the legal pack we developed with our buddies at the Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN).
And here’s the only other question we can think you might have after reading through the pack…
//What if we only made an agreement verbally?
Verbal agreements are definitely binding and enforceable under law, but disputes under verbal agreements always come down to proof. Without some form of proof to back up your verbal agreement, its hard to clearly enforce that agreement against another party – because the other party can simply lie and change the terms of the verbal agreement after the fact. We recommend that you definitely get everything in writing, after all, music is not just art, its a business.