YJAM is a music project run by the Bathurst Regional Youth Council which celebrates the talents of young people in the Bathurst Region.
Youth Week YJAM 2018 is being held in conjunction with an afternoon of barefoot bowls at the Bathurst City Community Club, 29 William Street Bathurst (across from Red Rooster).
This is a free event, so come along for a game of bowls, listen to talented local sounds, and enjoy a BBQ lunch. All young people aged 12 – 25 are welcome.
Sexual Health will also be running “Pee for a Prize”. Everyone who participates in this initiative on the day goes into the draw to win a $100 Bathurst Buy Local gift card.
Bathurst Youth have got a jam packed schedule for YJAM, with 7 sets taking place throughout the afternoon. The following talented performers will be playing at the event:
12:00pm Emma Maggs
12:30pm Official opening of Youth Week 2018
12:40pm Cameron Russell
1:10pm BBQ lunch
1:30pm Lily Morgillo
2:00pm Hamish Dinger
2:30pm Tameka Kennedy and Ash
3:00pm Tiarn Brown
3:30pm Olive Watch
Youth Week YJAM is strictly a drug and alcohol free event!