Blog - MusicNSW - Page 186

Subscribe to 2SER – Radiothon on Now!

Not only does 2ser play a huge role in the exposure and promotion of truly alternative music from Sydney, Australia, and around the world, it also stands alone in its commitment to covering under-reported news and current affairs, and has done so for over 28 years. Ingrained in the culture and sound of 2ser is

Contemporary Music Touring Program

In the May 2006 Federal Budget the Contemporary Music Touring Program was allocated $1 million over four years, starting in 2006-07. This builds on previous funding for contemporary music touring of $1 million over four years from 2002-03. The Contemporary Music Touring Program will continue to support touring opportunities for Australian musicians, and increase audience

SxSW Applications Close Very Soon

South by Southwest 2008 is held March 12-16 in Austin, For those who want to submit for showcase consideration, the online applications are only open to this Friday (26/10) & must be made to the Austin office. Apply online at There will be no extension of the International Artist submission deadline.

Indent’s 2008 Partnership Grants Close Very Soon

$110,000 for all-ages music events in NSW Young event promoters, existing Indent event teams and emerging bands across NSW look no further! The Indent Partnership Grants are open once more for all-ages events taking place in 2008. The Partnership Grants have specifically been developed for young people looking to kick-start or reinvigorate all-ages music events

PPCA Registration Reminder

If you are an Australian recording artist whose music is being broadcast or you hold the copyright in recordings receiving airplay, you could share in licence fees collected by PPCA from over 48,000 businesses across Australia which play sound recordings (CD, digital downloads) and music videos. This is under the Artist Direct Distribution Scheme, but

Song Summit Sydney (S3) Presenters Announced

The international & local presenters have been announced for Song Summit in 2008. Legendary US songwriters/composers Jimmy Web and Paul Williams will join local artists Dann & John Hume (Evermore), Rai Thistlewayte (Thirsty Mirc), Josh Pyke, Lior, Ash Grunwald, Melanie Horsnell, Eric Chapus (Endorphin), Les Gock, Peter Miller, Joel Ma and Pip Norman (TZU), Garth


Indents Save the Scene tour wrapped in style at Newcastle recently, after a whirlwind trek that clocked up almost 4000 Kms across NSW! About 250 young promoters, emerging artists, bands and other interested people crammed into 33 workshop sessions, spread across 11 regions to better understand the ins and outs on event management and music

Liquor Bill Soon to go to Parliament

The liquor bill is soon to go to parliament for consideration. If you’re a musician, label owner, booking agent, manager etc now is a good time to remind your local member that the Live Entertainment Licence (the order of occupancy clause and other changes in the bill) are positive to their local music scene.

Indent on JJJ Hack

Last week Indent were on the JJJ Hack Program talking about the ‘Save the Scene Tour’. If you missed it, follow these links below. – windows media – real player


Enrol to Vote Now!

If you’re not enrolled for this Federal Election, you only have until 8pm this Wednesday 17 October to get your enrolment form to the AEC. If you need to change your details, you have only until 8pm Tuesday, October 23. Importantly, your form must have arrived at your local AEC office by these deadlines, not