Blog - MusicNSW - Page 156

Contemporary Music Touring Program

So you’re ready to tour? Sick of playing to the same people in all the usual areas? Well the Contemporary Music Touring Program (CMTP) have their first round of funding open for tours happening after July 1, 2010. The CMTP is an initiative of the Commonwealth Government through the Department of the Environment, Water Heritage

Ian Potter Cultural Trust Fund

The Ian Potter Cultural Trust seeks to encourage the diversity and excellence of emerging artists in Australia. The Trust makes grants of up to $7,000 to early career artists practising in a wide range of disciplines within the arts, including the performing and visual arts, crafts, music, the media, literature, design, community arts and other areas.

Sydney Festival

Well it’s that time of year when Sydney comes to life, with Festival First night kicking off the festivus on Saturday January 9 with the glorious Al Green and Black Arm Band dominating the line up!


Photo of Danimals with Mark Ronson and The Dap Kings from the TED Lab writing a new song in New York Danimals began, largely, as a solo project for Sydney artist Jonti Danilewitz. But as time moved on it wasn’t long before Danimals turned into a five-piece for their live shows, transcending far beyond Jonti’s

N.Z. introduces three strikes, you’re out.

New Zealand, the homey island not far from here have announced they will introduce a three strikes and your out policy, aimed at curbing peer to peer file sharing. Under the proposed legislation, file-swappers would receive three warnings from their Internet service provider to stop their allegedly infringing activity — sent at the behest of

Jonathan Boulet

A precociously inspired 21 year old skate rat from Northwest Sydney, Jonathan Boulet makes a brand of ceremoniously uplifting, deeply colorful pop that sounds like something for which you’ve been inadvertently searching but never dreamed you’d find. His debut self titled album is out now through Modular Records. 1. What was the first band you

$42 million funding Creative Industries

NSW Minister for the Arts, Virginia Judge today announced $11.3 million in new grants as part of the State Government’s $42.7 million 2010 Arts Funding Program. This includes three year funding for Indent to remain delivering all ages support and awesomeness. Ms Judge said the program supported arts organisations and community events across NSW: “This

AMIN seeking Victorian Rep.

The Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN) is is currently seeking a Victorian counterpart and is joining forces with a number of organistaions down south to make this happen.