On Friday March 12, 2010 Minister for the Arts Virginia Judge presented the 2010 ISAAC (Indent Super All Ages Crusader) awards and launched Indent’s tenth year of vital funding, advice, resources and support for all ages’ entertainment in NSW. The ISAAC awards are an initiative of Indent, a project of MusicNSW that recognises and celebrates
ARIA & PPCA Announce 2010 Board Members
The Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) have announced its Board of Directors for 2010. Mr Ed St John, President & CEO Warner Music Australasia, has been re-elected to his role as Chairman of ARIA for 2010, his third consecutive year in the post.
Sound Summit Proposals Due
Sound Summit is a five-day festival of independent and innovative music featuring national and international artists, occurring annually as part of the This Is Not Art (TINA) Festival in Newcastle, NSW. Since 2000, Sound Summit has provided independent musicians, producers, labels, promoters, industry, media and fans a chance to perform, discuss, learn, teach, interact and
Unsigned Australian Artists Now Eligible for Amrap’s AirIT
The Australian Music Radio Airplay Project (AMRAP) today announced stage two of its AirIT initiative at the Adelaide Fuse Festival. AirIT is community radio’s exclusive catalogue of Australian music, provided free by Amrap for both the sector and the music industry.
MusicNSW and Industry and Investment NSW announce $48,000 to support artists and industry at SXSW 2010
MusicNSW is thrilled to announce a $48,000 commitment from Industry and Investment NSW (IINSW) to supporting export opportunities through the South By Southwest Conference held in Austin, Texas this month. Distributed to artists and industry through support and funding, this money will assist in developing the profile and opportunity for NSW artists and industry in
the Kookaburra case and what the decision means for musicians
Last month the Federal Court of Australia found that the 1979 and 1981 recordings of Men At Work’s iconic Australiana anthem Down Under infringed the copyright of children’s classic Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree when they allegedly reproduced a couple of bars for a flute line. While EMI and Men At Work are
SXSW Bootcamp
Each year, just prior to the SXSW Music Conference, Austrade’s Australian Music Office holds an informal meeting of people heading to SXSW in Austin, Texas. If you are not going to SXSW this year but want to learn more about it, you are also welcome to come along. Meet fellow artists and industry, hear practical
Whichway Advanced Workshops
Whichway and MusicNSW is proud to announce it’s 2010 Advanced Indigenous Musician Development Workshop. Whichway will hos an intensive workshop series for emerging Indigenous musicians wanting to take there music career one step further. Held over an extended weekend from March 26 – 29 at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) in Redfern, the
Grants now available for Industry and Artists heading to SxSW
MusicNSW and Industry and Investment NSW are thrilled to announce 11 quick response grants built to support artists and independent industry in developing trade opportunities whilst attending the South By Southwest (SXSW) conference in Austin, Texas this March. Submissions can only be made by an Artist and/ or independent business/ individuals involved in the industry
AAPT sign landmark deal with EMI
AAPT has launched a landmark deal with EMI music that will see home internet and phone bundled together with a music subscription that allows unlimited streaming from EMI’s online catalogue – The In Song – as well as $50 worth of music downloads a month. This kind of deal is a first for Australia.