Manager, promoter, label exec and one of the biggest influencers on the Australian music industry, Michael Gudinski, has just been announced to deliver a keynote address at Big Sound 2010 this September.
New project backs creative use of empty shops
The creative renewal of Newcastle’s CBD during the past two years is set to spread to other centres backed by a new initiative called Empty Spaces.
Whichway lands in Tamworth
The Whichway Regional Music Development Program is a 3-day workshop series for regional Indigenous artists looking to gain valuable skills and knowledge of the music industry. The workshop will be held in Tamworth from the 29th of June to 1st of July, taking place at the Tamworth PCYC. Participants will network and participate in workshops,
Sydney Meets Sydney at Song Summit
As part of the Song Summit conference, Song Summit LIVE goes global with performances from emerging Canadian artists as part of the ‘Sydney Meets Sydney’ cross cultural program between like named cities. Performing on the night will be Canadians Carmen Townsend and Two Hours Traffic as well as local talent Fergus Brown and Dead Letter
NSW Budget Announcement: What’s In it for the Arts
The 2010 – 2011 NSW Budget has been announced and, in it,the State Government has announced a $295.7 million investment into the arts. Minister for the Arts Virginia Judge said the 2010-11 Budget firmly backed NSW as the place to produce, promote and present first-class works and events. “This is a Budget which builds for
Musician’s Wellbeing
UQ School of Psychology seeks participants in an online study of Musicians’ wellbeing:
Parades are a young art rock band from Sydney who wisely choose to create their own music with no outside input or interference. Featuring Dan Cunningham, Tim Jenkins, Michael Scarpin and Jonathan Boulet – Parades’ debut album Foreign Tapes is out now via Dot Dash Recordings. Dan answers these questions for us! 1. What was
MusicNSW Seeking Operations Manager
Come work with us! We are currently seeking a permanent part-time Operations Manager to work alongside the MusicNSW Executive Officer to lead MusicNSW through its next stage of growth and development.
Creative Sydney on now!
Creative Sydney launched an incredible program tonight, inviting outstanding entrepreneurs, creative practitioners and community campaigners to work together to make Sydney a better place for creativity and commerce. Creative Sydney is a series of free public events, from 5-13 June at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Circular Quay. A mix of discussions, presentations, performances and
Justice Yeldham
What’s been described as “a trumpet player trapped in a two dimensional universe” is in fact the unique work of Justice Yeldham, a maverick musician with an unhealthy obsession with sheets of broken glass. In his infamous show that has astonished and bemused countless people in over 40 countries, yeldham ecstatically purses his lips against