Australia Council for the Arts Info Session Come find out if ArtStart is for you. ArtStart is a new grant initiative helping budding artists move from studying their artform to earning an income from it. The program provides financial assistance to recent creative arts graduates, including musos, who are committed to establishing a career as
Peats Ridge 2010
What happens when you put thousands of smiling people in a beautiful valley, over a three day period, showcase music, arts and culture across 9 stages and bring in the New Year… PEATS RIDGE! Peats Ridge is a festival that has been described as a ‘sensual explosion’ (, ‘colourful and memorable’ ( and a ‘musical
Final Call: Don’t DIS’my’ABILITY Small Arts Grants
Two days left to get your Don’t DISmyABILITY Small Arts Grants applications in! In July this year Accessible Arts invited applications for Small Grants of $3000 for individual artists or organisations to create high quality arts project as part of the 2010 Don’t DISmyABILITY campaign.
Michael Griffin – Music Educator at RCC Tomorrow!
Tomorrow, Wednesday 18th August at 4pm (sharp) Redfern Community Centre in cooperation with Allans music/Billy Hydes is proudly hosting a presentation from international music educator Michael Griffin who will present his module Learning Music: Practise and Performanc
We Are Volcanoes
November two thousand and eight marks the birth (or for irony’s sake, the ‘eruption’) of the musical collective We Are Volcanoes. Comprising of three very strange, yet compatible artists, the band, whose sounds are influenced – though not entirely defined by – a myriad of genres, mainly accredits the product of it’s creative work to
Ten Year Tour with Urthboy: Tix On Sale NOW
Tickets are available for purchase from 9AM today, there are nine regional shows plus one Sydney show. Are you coming?
The Greens First To Announce Arts Policy
The first Arts policy of the election has been announced, and it comes from the Greens. The Greens believe “access to diverse, innovative artistic and cultural experiences should be available to all Australians.”
Excellence in Community Support Award Presented to John Paul Young
On Wednesday, September 22, 2010, the Australian music industry will gather at NSW Parliament House for the annual MUSIC IN THE HOUSE luncheon to celebrate the presentation of the EXCELLENCE IN COMMUNITY SUPPORT Award.
Developing Local Arts and Creative Enterprises: What Works?
Following the recent start-up of a number of local arts enterprise development and ‘Renew’ initiatives, this public forum will share information on what’s working for place-based approaches to creative enterprise development in Australia, the UK and elsewhere. The discussion will consider formulas for successful cultural and community entrepreneurship and how policy-making, planning, and resourcing should underpin development.
PPCA’s Current Distribution Registration Cut Off Soon
If you are an Australian recording artist whose music is being broadcast or you hold the copyright in recordings that are receiving airplay, then you may be able to share in licence fees collected by PPCA.