Have spare instruments you have no use for anymore? Well we’ve found a great cause for you to donate your unwanted musical instruments to!
Music for Refugees is an incredibly important project that was established by volunteer music teacher Philip Feinstein, which has put music classes for children and adults inside immigration detention centres. Feinstein has been running the classes in Villawood Detention Centre since 2009, and the program has been so successful that he is expanding the program to other detention centres including Manus Island, Christmas Island and Nauru.
All of the instruments used in the music classes in the detention centres have been donated, so in order for Feinstein to continue the program, he needs more instruments! Drop off points have been arranged all over Australia, so if you have a spare musical instrument head here to find out more information about drops points and the types of instruments that are safe to donate. You can also check out an ABC News TV feature on the refugee program here.
Photo of instruments sourced from here.