Marrickville Council is presenting a series of free workshops throughout June & July on Artist Rights and the Law.
- Tuesday 3 June, 6pm–8pm – Copyright and moral rights
- Tuesday 10 June, 6pm–8pm – Artist contracts
- Tuesday 17 June, 6pm–8pm – Artist as business
- Tuesday 1 July, 6pm–8pm – Setting up an artist run initiative
- Tuesday 8 July, 6pm–8pm – Creating and commissioning street art
- Tuesday 15 July, 6pm–8pm – Musicians and the law
Places are limited and bookings are essential.
Areas covered will be:
Copyright and moral rights: What is copyright? How do you protect yours? What is a licence and how do these work in the online environment? What are moral rights? How do I protect mine?
Contracts: What are they? How do you negotiate one? What do you need to look out for? What templates are out there? This workshop includes practical exercises for contractual analysis, drafting and negotiation.
Artist as business: How do I create an arts business? Do I pay tax on that income? Do I need a business name registration? Can I trade using the same name as someone else? What are the business structuring options e.g. partnerships, companies, sole trader etc?
Setting up an artist run initiative: What are they? What are the liabilities and responsibilities? This is an opportunity to discuss relevant issues such as copyright, contracts, how liability might work, getting insurance etc.
Creating and commissioning street art: Who owns the copyright? Can people photograph you? How do you commission a street artist? Managing commissions? What if you get into trouble with the police?
Musicians and the law: copyright, partnerships, being a business, licensing, online distribution, How being in a band works?
For more information, or to register your spot head here.