The WAM Festival Music Conference (November 6 to 9) in Perth has added 30 more speakers their lineup.
There will be 14 sessions running during the conference, covering areas such as cover management, direct-to-fan marketing strategies, new distribution models, radio airplay and sync strategies.
Speakers include Dom Alessio & Lewis McKirdy (triple j), Danny Rogers (St. Jerome’s Laneway/Lunatic Entertainment), John Wardle (National Live Music Office), Clive Hodson (Perfect Pitch Publishing), Michael Szumovski (Alberts, Millie Millgate (Sounds Australia), Andy Rantzen (Australia Council for the Arts), Chloe Goodyear (Woodford Folk Festival), Will Lanarch-Jones (Parallel Management), Mama Kin, Meg Williams (AAM), Becc Bates (Arts South Australia), Hayley Dart (Country Arts WA), Pete Guazzelli (Department of Culture and the Arts), Simon Collins (The West Australian/The Wire), Darren de Mello (96FM) and Paul Cashmere (The Noise Network). The full list is at
International speakers include Martin Elbourne (The Great Escape/ Glastonbury), Al Dawson (Earache Records), Lee Hunter (YouTube) and Rene Chambers (Spotify) and keynote speakers Michael Chugg, singer songwriter Adalita and artist manager Catherine Haridy.
The full conference program, and more speakers, will be announced soon via