PPCA against unjustified price cap - MusicNSW

For almost 40 years, commercial radio in Australia has been paying very little to broadcast your recordings- they pay performers just $3.8 million in total for a while year. At the same time they pay songwriters/composers between $20 million and $30 million a year.

The Copyright Act contants a price cap (which applies only to recordings, not compositions) that was introduced in 1969. The price cap is grossly unfair to recording artists and labels and PPCA wants the government to remove the cap so that artists and labels earn a fair income from radio.

PPCA is creating a petition from Australian recording artists, which it will deliver to the government in support of our submissions to remove this unjustified price cap. PPCA already has over 130 leading Australian artists who have lent their support and now they want your name to add to the list.

“Increasing the revenues for Australian artists from their recorded works is a major focus for us as Artist Board Members. It will continue to be our steadfast belief that the commercial worth of sound recordings has been undervalued for too long”says representatives from the Artist Representative Board Members; Paul Christie and Lindy Morrison

To voice your opinion of this price cap email removethecap@ppca.com.au
