Want to play at The Falls Festival in Lorne or Marion Bay? - MusicNSW

The APRA People’s Stage is on again at The Falls Music & Arts Festival in Lorne (VIC) & Marion Bay (TAS)!

APRA is putting the call out to punters who want to perform on the People’s Stage – musicians, comedians, poets, street performers! Simply send a demo and bio to Con Kalamaras by Monday 21 December.

3 & 5 Sanders Place
VIC 3121

Please note there are limited spots and only ticket holders can apply.

If you require more information please contact Con Kalamaras on (03) 9426 5200.

The Falls Music and Arts Festival

The Falls Music & Arts Festival is one of the longest running music events in Australia. First established in Victoria in 1993, 2010 marks the 18th annual festival in Victoria and the 8th in Tasmania. Boasting intimate surroundings of sheer beauty where music & arts from around the globe come together. www.fallsfestival.com.au

– Lorne (VIC) Dec 28, 2010 – Jan 1, 2011
– Marion Bay (TAS) Dec 29, 2010 – Jan 1 2011