Indent ‘knock knock online forum – celebrating Oz Music Month - MusicNSW

To celebrate Oz Music Month, the Indent team are hosting an online
forum on Tuesday the 18th of November from 5 til 6pm at

The ‘Knock Knock forums will be encouraging young aspiring event
promoters and musicians to jump online to talk to industry experts
about putting on events, and will also be looking for feedback to the
breadth of the all ages live music scene.

The line up of music industry speakers include:

Stephen Wade – Select Music Booking Agency/Manager of Something With
Numbers/Coaster Promoter
Eliza Salvos – FBi Radio
Kirsty Brown – The Brag
Jess Holgersson- Pink Bits Online Marketing
+ more to be announced

If you are interested in getting involved with the music industry,
then this bad boy will get you all primed big time.

For more information please email or call the
MusicNSW offices on: (02) 9699 9706