Hip-hop for the Sistas - MusicNSW

Information and Cultural Exchange announces the return of */Suburban
Sista Soundz/*, a free hip-hop and urban music program for unemployed
young women aged 15-25 who live in the Western Suburbs, and are
interested in developing a career in the music industry.

This year, the *free 6-week urban music course* will once again be
facilitated by ARIA nominee, hip-hop artist *MC Trey, *who is been
supported by the Vodafone Australia Foundation* *to coordinate and*
*facilitate* *urban music programs for at-risk young people. The program
will also feature well-known Australian *DJ Nick Toth* and
Internationally renowned hip-hop/krump dance choreographer, *Darrio

“Music and rhyming are powerful tools,” says MC Trey “When young people
express themselves through their own music, it can be quite an
empowering experience. This year we are incorporating dance into the
program, which is taught by Darrio Phillips who is originally from the
USA, so we’ll be learning authentic dance moves from someone who grew up
where a lot of these dance moves where born. It will also be a fun way
to stay in shape”.

Information and Cultural Exchange (ICE) are now *recruiting participants
for the third free program*, which will be run at the SWITCH Multimedia
and Digital Arts Access Centre in Granville. By the end of the course
participants will have created and recorded their own lyrics and music,
and will finish the program with a performance as they launch their own
compilation CD.

“It’s important to provide programs which encourage young women to
express themselves and share their stories with other young women. The
previous Suburban Sista Sounds programs were very successful with
outcomes including performances around NSW and young women enrolling in
Music related courses at TAFE” said ICE Director Lena Nahlous.

An information day will be held at Information and Cultural Exchange
(ICE) on *Tuesday 12^th of February, 2008 @ 1pm.* */Suburban Sista
Soundz /*will cover hip-hop dance, lyric-writing, creating digital
music, music business, studio and live performance. The course will run
from *February 19 to March 27, 2008.*

People wanting to participate can contact Information and Cultural
Exchange on 9897 5744 or email: urbanmusic@ice.org.au

*ICE is supported by Arts NSW and the Australia Council for the Arts.*
