New Corporate Director for MusicNSW - MusicNSW

MusicNSW is delighted to announce that Greg Carey has been appointed as our new Director Corporate, commencing in January 2010.

Greg’s experience as a music business entrepreneur, his work on all levels of the industry, and his excellent knowledge of Music NSW’s mission and operations made him the ideal candidate in a strong field of applicants.

Greg started out at MusicNSW as an intern for MusicNSW’s successful youth project Indent, before taking part-time employment with us and going on to become the Project Manager of Indent for the past three years.

Greg will work alongside Music NSW’s creative director Eliza Sarlos, and can be contactable on his current email address, or by phone 02 9699 9706.

Greg will stay on the tiller for Indent for the time being, ably assisted by Max Becker, our Indent Partnership Grants Manager. Next year will be Indent’s 10th birthday, and a full program will be announced in the New Year.  In the meantime, for all Indent enquiries, please contact Max at

For all media enquiries, please contact Meg Williams
Communications Manager | 02 9699 9706