The Mania. - MusicNSW


The Mania are a sister-brother-drummer trio who present a fresh act of pop punk bliss. Triple J and FBi radio have been rockin’ out to them and if you ever get the chance to witness the manic melodies of The Mania live you’re in for treat!

1. What was the first band you saw live?

Claire: Dire Straits. I was seven.

Nic: Dire Straits. I was eleven.

Ben: The B52s

2. What did you learn from them?

To get your money for nothing, and your chicks for free. And to roam around the world (if you want to), without anything but the love you feel.

3. Got any pre-gig rituals?


4. What do you think the most important issue effecting artists in NSW is today?

Whether or not they have any talent. Whether or not anyone cares.

5. If you weren’t a musician what do you reckon you’d be doing?
Hanging by the pool.