Calling regional artists! Want to go on tour? - MusicNSW

MusicNSW is looking for tour-ready original artists from across regional NSW that want to connect with other artists, grow new audiences, learn more about touring - and of course - hit the road to play shows!

Selected artists will participate in one of five regional tours:

  • South Coast Tour: Featuring First Nations artists only, this 3-stop tour of the stunning South Coast includes a performance at Giiyong Festival
  • Outback Tour: Head west for a 3-stop tour of Far West Outback NSW
  • Golden Highway Tour: 3 stops from Dubbo to Dashville's Skyline 'cosmic country weekender' festival
  • River Tour: A 3-stop tour of venues along the mighty Murray River
  • North Tour: A 3-stop tour across the Northern Rivers and North West NSW

Participating artists will build touring skills and experience, with support and resources from our Regional Coordinators. MusicNSW will provide a financial subsidy to cover artist fees and contribute to marketing costs. You'll also get an album of professional photos from one of your shows.

Selected artists are expected to cover additional touring expenses, such as travel and accommodation. Please consider your budget (in particular travel expenses) when selecting which tours you apply for.


This opportunity is for artists that are:

  • Based in regional NSW*
  • Performing new and original contemporary music
  • Can be solo, duo, or band of up to 4 members
  • Ready to perform at least 45 minutes of original songs

It will be most beneficial for artists that have played some shows and developed a local following, who are ready to take their live show to new towns and audiences, and who are interested in building the skills they need to tour.

*For the purposes of this application, regional NSW includes all local government areas outside of Sydney, Western Sydney, Newcastle LGA and Wollongong LGA or regional cities with a population less than 100,000. If your band includes members that do not live in the same town, at least 50% of the band members must reside in regional NSW.

Please note that the South Coast Tour is only open to applicants who identify as First Nations.


The 5 regional tours will take place in October - November 2024. Tour dates and locations to be confirmed with selected artists.

Need more information? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions below.


Submit an application form by 11.59pm on 31 July 2024

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes. This opportunity is for regional artists only. Regional NSW includes all local government areas outside of Sydney, Western Sydney, Newcastle LGA and Wollongong LGA or regional cities with a population less than 100,000.

To be eligible, at least 50% of the band members must reside in regional NSW. Regional NSW includes all local government areas outside of Sydney, Western Sydney, Newcastle LGA and Wollongong LGA or regional cities with a population less than 100,000.

Applications open: 11 July 2024
Applications close: at 11:59pm (AEST) on 31 July 2024
Applicants will be notified before the end of August 2024
The five regional tours will take place across October - November 2024
(tour dates and locations to be confirmed with selected artists)

Yes, MusicNSW welcomes applications from solo artists, duos, trios, and bands (maximum 4 members).

The 5 regional tours will take place in October and November 2024 at venues and festivals across regional NSW.

  • South Coast Tour: Featuring First Nations artists only, this 3-stop tour of the stunning South Coast includes a performance at Giiyong Festival
  • Outback Tour: Head west for a 3-stop tour of Far West Outback NSW
  • Golden Highway Tour: 3 stops from Dubbo to Dashville's Skyline 'cosmic country weekender' festival
  • River Tour: A 3-stop tour of venues along the mighty Murray River
  • North Tour: A 3-stop tour across the Northern Rivers and North West NSW

Tour dates and locations will be confirmed with the selected artists.

Yes, applicants may apply for more than one tour.

Please note that the South Coast Tour is only open to applicants who identify as First Nations. First Nations artists from across the state are also encouraged to apply for other tours.

Each act will receive:

  • Performance subsidies ($250 per artist per performance e.g. a 3-piece act will be paid a subsidy of $750 per performance).
  • Financial support for marketing your tour
  • Tailored professional development and support from a MusicNSW Regional Coordinator
  • Guidance, including templates for budgeting, planning and logistics, and promoting your tour
  • An album of professional photos from one performance

MusicNSW will provide performance subsidies and contribute to marketing costs for all tours. Performance subsidies are calculated at $250 per band member per show.

Travel expenses (petrol, car hire etc) must be covered by artists. Accommodation and production costs may need to be covered by acts in the event that these are not provided by the venue.

Please consider your budget (in particular travel expenses) when selecting which tours you apply for.

This will be confirmed with selected artists when venues are locked in for their tour.

No. This opportunity is for original contemporary artists with a live set of at least 45 minutes.

Artists from any genre are welcome to apply.

Selected artists will get to perform at up to 3 shows.

Yes. You’ll need to complete a separate application for each act/band and use a different email address for each application.

Applications will be assessed by MusicNSW with consideration for quality of application, location (geographical spread across regional NSW), travel distance required, representation from a range of genres, diversity and other factors that may arise which the team considers relevant.

Still got questions?

If you have any questions about your application you can contact your Regional Coordinator. Go to to book a 15 minute catch up to discuss your application.

Photo credit: Dom Sullivan