Quick Response Grant Round 1 Recipients Revealed - MusicNSW

Through the support we’ve received through Arts NSW, we are pleased to announce the first round recipients of our 2015 Quick Response Grant Program.

The Quick Response Grant Program aims to support artists and artist managers in developing export opportunities whilst attending Australian industry conferences, trade fairs and other career defining opportunities.

The Round 2 recipients of the Quick Response Grant Program are:

Fanny Lumsden, I Know Leopard, Louis Calleja & Jamie Croft, Green Buzzard, Donny Benet, New Venusians, NGAIIRE, All our Exes Live in Texas, Michael Hardy and Le Pie. 

This round was highly competitive, we received 41 applications! MusicNSW have recommended funding for 10 projects which will fund 39 artists and 8 managers in total to attend opportunities around the country that will generate both domestic and export opportunities for them. Out of the total $119,618 of funds requested for this round, only $28k total has been awarded. Genres included but were not limited to indie, folk, contemporary country, electronica, rock, pop, hip hop, world music, EDM and soul.

Round 2 is now open for NSW based artists and their managers who wish to attend AWME, Face the Music, EMC or any other major career defining opportunities in 2015.

For more information on Round 2, head here.

This grant is made possible by the support of ArtsNSW.