Live Music Frontiers – A Panel Discussion - MusicNSW

Music Australia and The Live Music Office in association with Sydney Fringe Festival and MusicNSW present a panel discussion called Live Music Frontiers on 6th September in Erskineville.

This panel discussion will be the next instalment in Music Australia’s Music Talks series. It is targeted at artists, the hospitality sector, local government, arts organisations and industry professionals and will explore the music industry from a variety of angles and perspectives. The panel will also be discussing the current state of play in live music both on home soil and internationally.

Panelists include:

Mark Gerber (Oxford Art Factory)
Bill Cullen (OneLouder)
Damian Cunningham (Live Music Office)
Sybil Bell (Director of Independent Venues Week in UK)
Yvette Myhill (AAM)

The first session will from from 3.00 – 4.30pm at Erskineville Town Hall. It is free to attend, but booking a ticket is essential. Book yours by heading here. For more information about this panel head here. There is a Facebook event here.