Sydney Youth Music Presents ‘Beat the Freeze’ - MusicNSW

Sydney Youth Music presents its fourth live music event on Saturday 27 June 2015 at 107 Projects in Redfern. This event is a collaboration with The Salvation Army’s Oasis Youth Support Network to raise awareness about youth homelessness.

‘Homelessness affects many young people; we’re proud to be supporting Oasis and their services in the City. We’ve got a talented bunch of electronica artists lined up for what will be an enjoyable evening for all whilst contributing to a worthy cause.’ says Sydney Youth Music representative, Sylvia Tang.

Following the winter-based theme ‘Beat the Freeze’, this event is focused on electronic beats and offering a space for fans to chill out and relax to amazing Sydney artists during the freezing winter months.

The event will be headlined by Sydney-based duo Twin Caverns, whose song ‘Drown’ has racked up over 115,000 plays on Sound Cloud. The duo will be joined by Kanyon, Family Values and Elmntry in this not-to-be-missed event.

This $5 entry gig will take place at 107 Projects in Redfern from 5pm. 

‘It’s very humbling to be a part of ‘Beat the Freeze’. I feel so honoured and excited to be able to share my music with everyone in order to help bring awareness to such an important issue, youth homelessness.’ says event performer, Kanyon.

Sydney Youth Music is a newly-formed and industrious volunteer team of dedicated, talented and highly interested individuals committed to creating and organising live all-ages, drug and alcohol free music events for the youth of Sydney. Supported by Indent (Music NSW) and City of Sydney.

Saturday 27 June 2015 – 5pm -8pm

107 PROJECTS, Redfern

All Ages, Drug and Alcohol Free. 

Cost: $5 (All entry costs donated to OASIS Youth Support Network)