Let Indent Rock Your Town In 2015! - MusicNSW

Indent, the crew behind the annual Indent Tour, are inviting young event teams across NSW to submit expressions of interest to host the Indent Tour in 2015! Indent’s annual regional drug and alcohol free all-ages tour is the only tour of it’s kind in Australia.

Since 2010, The Indent Tour has spanned all corners of NSW, providing young people with practical industry-standard skills in event management by bringing some of the biggest names in NSW music to remote communities. Previous tour headliners have featured the likes of Urthboy, Tonight Alive, Jinja Safari, Spit Syndicate and In Hearts Wake, with 2015 promising to be one of the biggest tours yet! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for young people who want to break into the music industry and walk away with practical and transferable skills. Not only will the Indent crew fund and facilitate a big name band to come to your town, we’ll also teach you how to plan, stage, promote and market it, and help you book all the support bands! If you ever wanted to learn how to put on your own gigs to an industry level standard, now is your chance!

This year we want to give youth supervisors, youth councils and young event teams the opportunity to put themselves forward to host a show on the 2015 Indent Tour. If you are part of a team of people aged between 12 – 25 years old who organise regular live music events and want the chance to host a massive show with a nationally revered artist, then fill out the survey below and put forward your interest!

As we are expanding the tour’s reach in 2015, we encourage teams from both Regional and Metropolitan NSW to apply. The tour generally takes place over the last two weekends of November.

To express your interest in hosting the Indent Tour in 2015, fill out our quick survey via this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XLTVV79

For more information on the Indent Tour contact Indent Project Coordinator Greg Clennar:
greg@musicnsw.com or (02) 9953 5279.

Indent is a project of MusicNSW, funded through Arts NSW and supported by APRA.