A new job in the music industry has become available, get those CVs ready!

Job description below sourced from Pedestrian Jobs. Head here for more details.

You’re applying for the role of a managing editor for a popular independent music and arts focused media outlet in Surry Hills, Sydney.

The role of the Managing Editor will see you:

– Manage Staff, Editors, Volunteers and Interns from our Head Office in Sydney
– Publishing/Editing content across a wide range of topics (music/arts/film/lifestyle etc.)
– Assisting with the conception, delegation and execution of content e.g. major features and sponsored campaigns
– Enforcing site policies amongst all content, and in day-to-day engagement with writers/photographers/editors
– Help determine editorial priorities and develop strategies to increase site productivity and demand
– Work with our social media team to promote content
– Liaise with PR, Sponsors and Artists.

It’s important to note that a Managing Editor role will not see you creating much content yourself – rather working with the team to get content online, edited and promoted. The position will give you creative freedoms to push the direction of the site, and see ideas through – however a lot of your role will be in the delegation of tasks and managing the work of other writers. All the same, we are looking for someone who is a strong writer for this role. You will be writing from time to time and of course editing other people’s work.

As such, we are looking for someone who has:

– 2+ years of experience as a published writer and/or editor for digital/print outlet.
– You must have, at some time, worked as an editor, or in a capacity where you were working in a team that required you to manage other writers / staff. If you’ve only ever worked as a freelance writer, this may not be the position for you, though we do welcome your application.
– Great organisation. You will be managing dozens of people – you’ll need to show yourself as someone who knows how to organise people and manage major tasks in effective ways.
– Ability to work to strict deadlines and ensure others meet theirs.
– Strong references.
– A wide range of interests and knowledge in the worlds of music, film, arts and culture.

You should be the sort of person that knows who just won the Hottest 100, who is headlining Soundwave (or at the very least what Soundwave is) and what films are nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. You should know the difference between a play and a musical. You should probably have eaten at a food truck. In other words, you shouldn’t be living under a rock :).

– Basic HTML skills. Bonus points if you can use Dreamweaver (or equivalent editor).
– Punctual and polite e-mail skills.
– Familiarity with CMS e.g. WordPress and/or Drupal.
– Familiarity with Google Drive / Docs.
– Bonus points if you can use Photoshop for basic tasks – e.g. putting text on an image.

In this industry, unpaid work still counts as work that will ensure your elibility for this position. Don’t discount it towards the experience you mention in your cover letter or resume. If you haven’t had paid work in this field before – which is common – that won’t count against you. You just need to be able to showcase the experience in whatever way you’ve achieved it.

The role will start off as part time, 2-3 day a week role (15 hours), with the expectation to turn it into a full time position long term. You will work to specific hours, in office – the same days and the same time each week. This position would be perfect for someone active in a freelance capacity, looking to balance that work with a permanent editorial position. You will not be limited in any other work you can do in this field.

Interviews will be starting w/c February 9th, with two rounds of interviews happening in person in Sydney in the 10 days that follow. Please make sure we receive both a resume and a cover letter.