AFMA launches Fair Trade campaign - MusicNSW

The Australian Freelance Musician’s Alliance (AFMA) is launching a Fair Trade campaign to recognise businesses, venues, organisations, agents and fellow musicians that treat musicians fairly, understand the value of live music in Australia and make a positive contribution to the industry.

AFMA Fair Trade approval is determined by assessing of nominees on a list of selection criteria, compiled by a committee of industry leaders and musicians. AFMA Fair Trade approval will provide musicians and the public with a better understanding of industry participants that provide the best employment practices for musicians i.e.) those who adhere to payment guides and conditions offered under the Live Performance Award, and who offer a safe place to work.

The NSW based campaign is an AFMA initiative. AFMA is a part of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA)

AFMA will hold a campaign launch to mark the first recipients of the AFMA Fair Trade Approved credit on Monday, December 8 at 6pm at 505, 280 Cleveland Street in Surry Hills. RSVP HERE