CONTROL: The Business of Music Management? - MusicNSW

CONTROL, the dynamic five stage programme designed to assist music managers from Australia and New Zealand grow their businesses, is now calling for applications, and mid-career music managers are encouraged to apply. The CONTROL programme will provide participants with practical business guidance, as well as a comprehensive review of the different business models found in the contemporary music sector

CONTROL will incorporate two residential labs to be held near Sydney, the first from 23-26 November 2014. Six music and business advisers including Paul McKessar (Manager of Brooke Fraser, The Naked and Famous, Lydia Cole, Breaks Co-op) and Correne Wilkie (Manager of The Cat Empire, Jackson Jackson, Harry James Angus) will work with participants on their leadership skills and business models.

“CONTROL is really a business development retreat,” said Denise Foley, Chair, AMIN.  “The process challenges participants, but in a constructive way. Alumni report that it not only changes their businesses for the better, but their lives as well.”

“CONTROL was a watershed for me. It changed my working world, not to mention my outlook on work/life balance.” added Catherine Haridy (Manager of Eskimo Joe, Adalita, Bob Evans/Jebediah, Tigertown). Chair, AAM.

CONTROL application forms and guidelines are available from or

Applications close 29 September 2014.