Live Music Matters Action Plan Update - MusicNSW

On Monday City of Sydney Council will be considering the Live Music Matters Action Plan put forward my the Live Music Task Force last year.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore pushed through some 57 of the report’s recommendations last December. The action plan will be assessed by Sydney City Council’s Cultural & Community Committee on Monday 31 March. To check out the recommendations put forward in the Live Music Action plan, head here.

Labor Councillor Linda Scott said she’ll be “fighting the fun police and supporting live music in Sydney” on Monday.

“The Live Music Matters report is a significant step forward in the fight to save live music and it’s a great result for the Labor Loves Live Music campaign,” she said.

“I want to see Sydney as a place known for its high quality live music and performances, and a nursery for new local acts. I encourage all music lovers to come along to the Council meeting and to support live music and our local musicians.”

The Councillor added, “We need space for our children to learn instruments, places for our bands to rehearse, and places for our musicians to play. I’m pleased that there has been significant public support for supporting live music. Now it is time for action from Council.”

Leichhardt and Marrickville Councils have also agreed to support the report.

We’ll keep you posted with the outcomes.