INDENT Launches X Festival: Do It Yourself Gig Guide - MusicNSW

MusicNSW’s youth project Indent is pleased to announce their new book X Festival: Do It Yourself Gigs!

X Festival: DIY Gigs is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in staging their own arts and performance?based events. Covering all aspects of event management, the guide contains content and examples that are geared towards small and medium sized projects with limited budgets and resources. The information covers scenarios for indoor and outdoor events, as well as considerations for all?ages, under?18s and licensed shows. Whether you’re putting on shows or performances, exhibitions or openings, screenings or festivals, X Festival will equip you with all the information you need to help you organise a successful event.

Although it has a youth and music focus, X Festival has been compiled to be applicable to a range of events and audiences, so you can plug in your own variables, pick the parts relevant to you and choose your own path.

The X in X Festival is your event. Whatever you’re planning you can substitute into the X Festival equation.

X Festival: Do It Yourself Gigs is available to purchase for only $15.00 (incl. GST). For single and or bulk purchase head here!