Virgin Welcomes More Musical Instruments On Board - MusicNSW

Virgin Australia continues to work with the Australian music industry in creating better travel options for musicians, having announced today that Virgin have changed their carry-on baggage allowance for musical instruments.

After a consultation with music industry representatives, Virgin’s new baggage policy means that whilst the number or weight of standard pieces of luggage on have no changed, the dimensions and type of instruments allowed on-board now include violins, trumpets and flutes.

Smaller and often valuable musical instruments are now able to be placed on board in overhead lockers. Guests are also now able to substitute any of their standard pieces of carry-on luggage for a musical instrument provided it was no larger than 85cm in length and 34cm in width and 23cm in height.

For more information head here. To become a MusicNSW community member in order to take advantage of the Virgin baggage deals, head here. It’s free!