Successful Applicants for CONTROL Announced! - MusicNSW

Successful applicants for the professional development program CONTROL: The Business of Music Management have been announced! Fifteen successful music managers from all over the country have been selected to participate in this six-month program presented by the Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN), and supported by the Association of Artist Managers.

Representing New South Wales will be Briese Abbott, Catherine Kirkpatrick, Blake Rayner, and Meg Williams. Queensland has the biggest contingent featuring Maggie Collins, Daniel Dow, Tim Price, Ben Preece and Paul Watson. They will be joined by Bonnie Dalton, Tom Larkin and Anthony Zaccaria from Victoria, Darlo Phillips from Tasmania, and Matt Johnson and Jacob Snell from Western Australia.

Mentors for CONTROL 2012 will include leading Australian based managers Cath Haridy and Andy Kelly. CONTROL also incorporates two residential workshops. The first will be held in Terrigal near Sydney in late November, the second at the end of the program in May 2013. Music industry advocate and lawyer Shane Simpson will moderate the Terrigal workshop, which marks the start of the five-stage program.

For more information, head here.