Applications for South By Southwest 2013 Closing Soon! - MusicNSW

The final day for Australian Bands hoping to showcase their talents at South by Southwest 2013 (SXSW) to submit their applications is November 7.

South by Southwest is the world’s largest music conference and festival held annually in Austin, Texas USA. This year’s festival will take place from March 12 – 17. In 2012, more than 550 international artists showcased their talents in Austin on over 100 different stages. Of these artists, 41 were Australian. With over 19,000 delegates (including 3200 media representatives) from 55+ countries attending SXSW, the festival is sure to be a valuable experience for any up-and-coming artist.

To apply, artists must upload their music, bio, and other supporting materials to Sonicbids ( The cost is $40 per application. For tips on applying, head here.

For more information, head here.