AAM announces new mentorship program - MusicNSW

The Association of Artist Managers (AAM) have announced the launch of a new mentor program in an effort to help improve the skills and knowledge of the next generation of artist managers.

AAM members can now apply to be a part of the mentor program which will match together experienced managers with emerging managers in a 9 month one-on-one relationship.

Successful applicants will be matched with the most relevant mentor from the AAM’s Executive and General Member base, and the AAM Board of Directors.

“With years of experience as a collective force the AAM is in a position to assist to develop the skills of younger managers,” AAM Chairperson Cath Haridy explains, “it is the aim of the AAM to support the growth of the contemporary music industry and build the capacity for artist management.”

Applications are open now and will close on October 17, 2012.

To find out how to get involved, email meg@aam.org.au.

In other related news, AAM have also launched a brand new website which is now live! Check it out by heading here.