Round 3 Quick Response Grants Open Next Week! - MusicNSW

MusicNSW, through support received by Arts NSW, is pleased to announce the third round of the 2012 Quick Response Grant will be open from Tuesday October 2nd, 2012.

The Quick Response program aims to support artists and artist managers in developing export opportunities whilst attending Australian industry conferences, trade fairs and other career defining opportunities in 2012/2013.

Export growth has been identified as an area critical to the growth of the Australian contemporary music industry, and providing pathways for artists and artist managers to capitalise on the opportunities presented by a strong export market is the primary purpose of this funding program.

Artists and artist managers are invited to apply for one off funding of up to $650 per member of the touring party (artists and artist managers only) up to a limit of $4000. This funding is to support educational, networking and information sharing outcomes with a view to establishing a platform for artists to maximize career-defining opportunities presented domestically.

This program focuses on attendance at Australian conferences and trade fairs as a means to develop relationships in international markets prior to travelling overseas, and to assist in the development of business skills required at international trade events within the familiar environment of a national conference. It is also available to support career-defining opportunities that would otherwise be cost prohibitive to artists, which may consist of major support opportunities or other key showcase events.

Submissions can only be made by Artists (and/ or their managers) based in NSW (i.e. must have a registered business name and/or mailing address in NSW). All applicants must be Australian citizens or have permanent residence status in Australia.

For application guidelines, budget templates, and more info head here.

Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria (where relevant):

• Quality music/recordings
• Radio airplay
• Press exposure
• Quality of marketing strategy
• Evidence of a well developed plan/strategy with clear objectives for the international marketplace that are achievable and demonstrate clearly a significant return on investment.
• Career history and developments/achievements locally

Artists (and/or their managers) will also be required to submit a budget estimate for the project. Please do not submit if you cannot financially commit to take up this opportunity, if your application is successful.

Please note that there is a strong focus on your objectives in taking part in the relevant opportunity, and achievable outcomes. As such, extra focus will be placed on the achievability of these objectives and the likelihood of success presented by the unique opportunities identified by the applicant.

MusicNSW especially encourages independent artists and artist managers to apply.

Artists and their managers should include specific information and highlight their objectives for export markets, and advise on any developments to date in these markets.

Applicants can submit for this funding by direct application to MusicNSW ONLY. Send all Applications to, clearly marked as Quick Response Funding.

Please note that if successful, you will be required to complete a report on the objectives and development opportunities put forward in your application, as well as a budget detailing your total final expenditure for the funded project, against your original budget. If you do not complete this report you will be ineligible for future funding and auspiced opportunities through MusicNSW.

Round 3 closes for applications on October 16, 2012.