New Weird Australia Launches Small Grants Initiative - MusicNSW

Sydney’s non-for-profit experimental music initiative New Weird Australia has launched a small grants opportunity for event organisers who work within the local experimental music scene.

The new project is called Vagrant and is described as a ‘travelling gig series and pop-up club night’ with each event being curated by local individuals and artists. NWA are looking for individuals or collectives who are interested in curating their own Vagrant night and will provide $750 in small grants to help make their shows a reality. Each event will be supported and promoted by New Weird Australia.

How it works:

  • you stage an event in your city or town, with your own curated selection of artists and performers whose approach marries that of New Weird Australia
  • you find a venue, source production equipment as necessary, promote the show locally and manage the event on the night
  • the event carries the name ‘Vagrant’ and is noted as being a New Weird Australia project, but otherwise the design and style of promotion is up to you
  • you can charge a ticket price or make it a free event – whatever you collect on the door is retained by you
  • you can apply for a small grant of up to $750 to cover artist fees, travel, marketing and production costs – whatever you deem the grant to cover, we insist the artists are not out of pocket and that their fees and expenses are covered within your budget
  • New Weird Australia will commit to promoting the event through its online channels, and will circulate media releases regarding the project as a whole
And in return:
  • an eclectic and original event, in keeping with the New Weird Australia sensibility
  • an event which clearly fosters the appreciation of eclectic and experimental music within your community
  • a commitment to ensuring that artists are looked after both financially, and with appropriate support and resources on the night
  • a good-quality, mixed audio recording of the event (ideally a desk recording) and photographic documentation of some form
  • all events to be staged by 30th July 2012
To apply:
Email no later than Monday 14th May 2012 with the following information:
  • a proposed overview of the event you’d like to stage with an indicative list of artists (need not be final at this stage) and venue location.  Note, you must have in principle commitments from artists and the venue before applying.
  • a budget / financial breakdown of the event, showing proposed New Weird Australia contribution of up to $750, with an express indication of how artists will be remunerated
  • a brief overview of your work either as an artist or promoter, showing commitment / experience in staging or participating in events of this nature

For more information head here.