Kirin J Callinan WIIW Single Tour - MusicNSW

If you haven’t yet heard of Kirin J Callinan, we highly recommend doing some research. One of most enigmatic artists to come out of Sydney in the last five years, Siberia Records‘ Kirin J Callinan has undeniably been a force to be reckoned since his days in Mercy Arms and Jack Ladder and The Dreamlanders. Kirin was also a recipient of the MusicNSW Quick Response Grant in 2011, which enabled him to jump on the Sound Summit stage last year.

Kirin has just released an incredible music video to his new single WIIW (Way to War), directed by Kris Moyle who has done clips for artists such as Beck, The Rapture, The Presents and more. In celebration of the single’s success Kirin has just announced that he will be embarking on an east coast tour of Australia-The WIIW Single Tour. 

Check out the string of dates below and be sure to catch this guy out at least once whilst he is on the road…


Thursday 21 June Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane 
Supported by DCM + Nite Fields + Kangaroo Skull
Tickets available from Oztix

Friday 22 June Goodgod Small Club, Sydney
Supported by DCM + Forces + Kangaroo Skull
Tickets available from Moshtix

Thursday 28 June The Tote, Melbourne
Supported by DCM + Machine + Kangaroo Skull + Forces DJs
Tickets available from Moshtix 

For the Facebook event head here.