Aurora Festival of Living Music 2012 - MusicNSW

The 4th annual Aurora Festival of Living Music (4-13 May) showcases a variety of new and innovative art-music artists from across a diverse range of contemporary practices and genres-anything from opera to noise.

This year’s impressive festival program has been put together by artistic director Andrew Batt-Rawden, and features an eclectic range of showcases and industry forums, opening with a free performance by APRA/AMCOS’s Art Music Award nominees Super Critical Mass at Blacktown Arts Centre on May 4th.

King of Noise Merzbow aka Masami Akita will be bringing his brutal noise music to Riverside Theatre in Parramatta on May 11 and Oren Ambarchi, one of Australia’s most respected improvised guitarists will be playing Thursday May 10 at the Joan Sutherland Centre.

Other artists and organisations to showcase at the Aurora Festival 2012 include:

Chamber Made Opera, Chronology Arts, Zane Banks, Pocket Gamelan, Alicia Crossley, Synergy Percussion, Clocks and Clouds, Marshall McGuire, Daniel Blinkhorn, Miranda Wheen and Pozniak/del Amo.

If you’re an emerging composer, on Saturday May 5th at Casula Powerhouse you can attend the Supporting Emerging Composers in Australia Forum chaired by CEO of the Australian Music Centre John Davies to find out what opportunities are available to you.

To see the full Aurora Festival program or to find out more information head here.