Accelerate - MusicNSW

The British Council and The Australian Council of the Arts have introduced an innovative leadership initiative for Indigenous Australians working within the creative industries.

ACCELERATE is a new funded program that incorporates tailored leadership development, mentoring and industry placement in both Australia and the UK. The two stage program arose from a concerning lack of representation of Indigenous Australians working within the creative and media industries. ACCELERATE aims to empower Indigenous Australians with the confidence to take leadership in their roles within the creative sector and to take their career to the next level.

This year up to 15 shortlisted applicants will be selected to participate in the intense leadership workshops, 5 of which will be sent to England for further professional development.

Australian Leadership Intensive
(22-24 June 2012)

Three day workshop ‘Leadership Intensive’ inviting up to 15 shortlisted finalists together with past ACCELERATE winners from across the country. The workshop will provide attendees with a greater understanding of what leadership means in the Australian and UK creative sector.

Individually  Tailored UK Visit
18 October-12 November 2012

Five participants from Stage One will be selected to travel to the UK as a group for three weeks. Through Stage 2, the participant will receive further leadership development training, professional placements, meetings and mentoring.


To be eligible for the program, the applicant must have at least 5-10 years experience in the arts and creative industries and be ready to take the next step in their career. All applicants should have a strong social purpose and potential to drive change. Applicants can also be practicing creatives or managers, or entrepreneurs. Collectives or organisations who wish to apply are encouraged to nominate one person to apply on their behalf.

ACCELERATE is a programme designed and managed specifically for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander applicants. Australian Indigenaity is a genuine qualification for this award and is authorised by Section 14 of the Anti-Discrimination Act, 1977.

To submit an expression of interest or for more information head here.