Neil Finn at Song Summit 2012 - MusicNSW

Neil Finn will be joining Song Summit this year to present an extraordinary documentary called The Sun Came Out. 

The documentary captures the world class group of musicians he gathered together for 3 weeks only in 2009 to record The Sun Came Out charity album for Oxfam. The album featured acts such as The Smiths’ Johnny Marr, Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien and Phil Selway, Glenn Richards, Tim and Liam Finn as well as Don McGlashan, Bic Runga, KT Tunstall and Wilco members Jeff Tweedy, John Stirratt, Glenn Kotche and Pat Sansone. The documentary captures the amazing creative process behind the making of the album and will surely be a highlight of the already impressive Song Summit 2012 program.

Widely considered to be our countries premiere music industry conference, Song Summit is a three day creative, business development and networking conference now in it’s third year. It will be held as part of Vivid Sydney at the Sydney Convention Centre between 26-28 May 2012.

Song Summit will feature live performances by international and home grown talent as well as workshops, conferences, showcases and networking opportunities to provide education to songwriters and business know-how. Song Summit will also feature live performances by international and home grown talent as well as workshops, conferences, showcases and networking opportunities.

For more information on Song Summit 2012 head here.