Connecting Members: Meet The Locals - MusicNSW

APRA / AMCOS is offering the people the chance to learn more about how APRA and the music industry from leading industry professionals through their Connecting Members: Meet The Locals panel presentation.

The event is free and will be held at APRA headoffice at 6pm February 22.

For this event we will be joined by:

  • Kirsty Brown (Execuitive officer, Music NSW)
  • Brett Dayman (Sales manager, Street Press Australia)
  • Dan Zilber (Music Director, FBi Radio)

The panels tips and tricks will help you navigate your way around the music industry as they discuss their roles in the industry and how their organisations can represent and help you through your career.

This event is open to all APRA|AMCOS members and interested individuals.

RSVPs are essential as places are limited.

For more information head here.