Millie Millgate wins SMAC of the Year - MusicNSW

Sounds Australia’s Milli Millgate has won FBi Radio’ s honourable SMAC of the Year Award which recognises Milgate’s incredible contribution to Sydney’s music, art and culture scene.

Held on January 19 at The National Art School in Darlinghurst, the FBi Radio SMAC Awards (Sydney, Music Art & Culture) recognised the artists, musicians, venues, promoters and culture makers that kept Sydney’s creative heart beating in 2011.

Having worked with many Australian musicians internationally as well as enriching our local music scene-Milgate’s invaluable experience includes being the Creative Director right here at MusicNSW and booking for iconic Sydney venues The Hopetoun and The Annandale. In her current role as Music Export Producer for Sounds Australia, she now works with local artists in an international capacity.

Millgate joins previous SMAC of the year winners such as Fergus Linehan (Sydney Festival), John Wardle (Raise the Bar) and Hana Shimada & Jimi Sing. (Goodgod Small Club).

The heartfelt speech Millgate made upon receiving her award certainly pulled a few heart strings amongst the MusicNSW staff! The speech was an appropriate way to end the award ceremony, with Millgate recognising the connection between FBi Radio and the success of Sydney based artists abroad.

“The number of NSW based artists that have been selected to showcase and feature at the international showcase events, has grown exponentially since FBi’s existence,” Millie said.

“This has been incredible to witness first hand….Just this past year previous SMAC winners such as Cloud Control, WIM, The Jezabels, Seekae and Guineafowl dominated the international showcase circuit and continue their rise in key overseas territories.”

The MusicNSW team we would like to congratulate Millgate on her well deserved win and thank her for the incredible contribution she has made not just to our own team, but to the Sydney music scene in general. No doubt you’re keeping our city’s creative heartbeat ticking!

To find out entire list of SMAC award winners head here.

Photograph by Will Reichelt.